iCal Reply Checker
Control of invite replies in iCal
iCal Reply Checker is an add-in to iCal for Mac OSX that gives the user options for how replies to meeting invites on local calendars that are sent with Mail are dealt with.
This application allows the option to block some, all or none of the out-going meeting event related emails sent with Mail. It also gives the option to edit the message in Mail before sending.
Note: iCal Reply Checker is not compatible with notifications sent by iCal using Exchange or CalDAV servers including the iCloud calendar.
iCal Reply Checker is shareware. Registration is £3 and can be done through the application. The application runs as a demo for 10 days before registration is required.
Download iCal Reply Checker
Version 1.4.0
(6 February 2013)
System Requirements
To run iCal Reply Checker you will need admin access on an Apple Mac running OSX 10.4 to OSX 10.8 iCal/Calendar.app with local calendars (i.e. calendars under 'On My Mac').
v. 1.4.0
Adds new Mountain Lion sent invitations.
Fix Mountain Lion stuck preferences bug.
v. 1.3.3
Works with Mountain Lion.
v. 1.3.2
Fix localized string support.
Clarified documentation for non local calendars.
v. 1.3.1
Fix bug related to registration.
Added more details of preferences to help notes.
v. 1.3.0
Now Snow Leopard compatible.
Added support for removing iCal's built in email sending warnings.
Other small bug fixes.
v. 1.2.1
Fixed localised strings bug.
v. 1.2.0
This version allows for invite emails to be opened for editing in Mail.
Gives control over outgoing email invites as well as ones related to invites received.
v. 1.1.1
Fixed minor error in reporting logged in version.
v. 1.1
Now reads local strings from iCal.
v. 1.0
Initial release.